A message from Andrew

After the Bridge will be published independently by Hit the North on Friday, 22nd November, 2024, the 61st anniversary of the Kennedy assassination. You’ll find out why if you read the book.

I am publishing Bridge via HTN because the usual online suspects specialising in ‘crime’ fiction turned it down when it was out for submission and you need to have a (London-centric) literary agent to get a sniff at the big 5 publishers. Boo hoo hoo. One lovely agent (thank you Stephanie) did say there was ‘much to admire’. Not that I am whinging. Life’s far too short. Besides, a traditional publisher doesn’t guarantee anything beyond a giant hangover when you sign a contract and dream about waltzing down the big easy street (avoiding JKR coming the other way).

It is up to us to create our own Bridge buzz. Whether you are a crime writer, reviewer, blogger, book club organiser or a reader, sharing your feedback/reviews with your peers makes a huge difference sales!

Apparently, Amazon only lists a book in its newsletters and other promotions if it has 50 reviews. Reviews can be short. ‘I LIKED/DISLIKED IT.’ Numbers rather than the quality of reviews count. I’ll be reaching out to you from my windy corner of Northumberland, three miles from the border, an eight iron from the docks and an arm’s length from a bottle of Tom Oliver’s child cider pulled from the fridge.


What happens when a ‘true story’ isn’t true?


After the Bridge published by Hit the North in November